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You're viewing Arkaniod Cheat Codes

Game Name : Arkaniod
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2005-04-19 10:11:41
Views : 22594

RUNCHEAT can give you endless lives. Start the game as usual, and while playing
the game, you can access the cheat mode by
doing the following. Pause the game with the Space Bar. Now
type 'DSIMAGIC' (do not hit return) and
press Space to unpause the game. A yellow capsule, 'DS' will fall. Catch it.
Now the following keys will make the
following capsules fall at any time. [B] - Break (Opens gates and awards bonus points)
[C] - Catch (Holds ball)
[D] - Disruption (Split into 3 balls)
[E] - Expand (Makes vaus larger)
[L] - Laser (Gives you a laser used with mouse button)
[P] - Extra Player (Self Explanatory)
[S] - Slow (Slows down ball) In addition, pressing 'F' will send you to
the last level to fight DOH. Be sure to
give yourself lots of lives first. You can skip any level by using ENTER on
the keypad.

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